Going Green At Home

Imagine living a green life for the rest of your life! Not only would you reduce the carbon footprint, but you would also help save your life and of all those around you. Going green at home is one of the first steps to a sustainable lifestyle.

Three Must-Have Colors For Your House

Color is the one thing every home must have. You do not have to paint a rainbow on your wall for your home to be colorful. Tasteful selection of color will go a long way to adding personality and character to your living space. When selecting a color palate, always have this in mind:

Must Have Electronics For Your House

While it is common place these days to have gadgets that tell us where to find what, what to do, they track our health, entertain and inform us we spend so much time with these gadgets it is impossible to imagine our lives without them. Here is a list of top 6 appliances that every …

Pantry Essentials

Keeping your pantry fully stocked is a sure time saver when it comes to wondering what to cook for dinner. Here is a list of 9 things to always keep or have in your pantry or around the kitchen.

Things Every Home Should Have

Every home should be different, have a different set of colors and personality and feel to it. However, there a few things every home should have, the key essential and classic ingredients that make up the foundation of a good home. Take a look at this list:

Accessorize Your Home

Every now and then, you home needs a little this and that. Accessories are a great way to add character and a touch of your personality to your living space. There is a ton of ideas to get creative and play around with. You can find wonderful ideas with these great tips.

Organizing Your Closet

  We have all experienced that feeling when we need to use something but really cannot start to even remember where you last saw it. This leads you to getting a late start to your day and even makes you frustrated and spoiling your mood for the whole day. This need not be the case. …

Importance of Good Lighting

  Good lighting adds warmth, colour and personality to any room. Whether you spend a lot or a little, knowing how to light your home is just as important as what you buy. Provide your rooms with mixes and a variety of levels instead of having one large glaring light in the middle of the …