Accessorize Your Home

Every now and then, you home needs a little this and that. Accessories are a great way to add character and a touch of your personality to your living space. There is a ton of ideas to get creative and play around with. You can find wonderful ideas with these great tips.

Organizing Your Closet

  We have all experienced that feeling when we need to use something but really cannot start to even remember where you last saw it. This leads you to getting a late start to your day and even makes you frustrated and spoiling your mood for the whole day. This need not be the case. …

Importance of Good Lighting

  Good lighting adds warmth, colour and personality to any room. Whether you spend a lot or a little, knowing how to light your home is just as important as what you buy. Provide your rooms with mixes and a variety of levels instead of having one large glaring light in the middle of the …

Outdoor Cooking Options

There is nothing that beats the feeling of relaxing on a weekend, having a few friends over and firing up the grill. Now with schools closed and the kids home for the holidays, it would be a great way to spend a weekend with friends and family in the warm weather. Read on for more …

Urbane Living – Kileleshwa

Urbane living is a truly elegant development that consists 24 units of tastefully designed 3 bedroom apartments. These premium properties have been elegantly designed with classic finishing and will provide sophisticated living in Kileleshwa.

Kitchen Design Styles and Layout Options

No matter how different our lifestyles may be, a lot of activity revolves around the kitchen; cooking, preparing a quick snack, catching up, eating breakfast or an entire meal with friends and family. To serve both the functional and social functions of the kitchen, the organization and layout are essential in the design. Here’s a …

Interesting Ideas For Room Dividers

After the hustle of packing and unpacking and moving to a new, nothing beats the feeling of having a new place all to yourself. Sometimes those areas require a bit of creativity and a touch of definition to make your space come to life not look like a large dumping ground. Defining a room is …

Picking the Perfect Floor

Choosing the right floor for your house may seem like a daunting task. It is a careful decision to be made that involves finding the perfect balance between taste, personality and good economic sense. After all, it is the surface that you, your friends and family will walk on, stand and sit on, your kids …

Curtains And Drapery

Blinds or drapes? Thick curtains or sheer drapes? The more choices there are, the easier it is to get confused and be lost for choice. When making decisions with regards to windows and curtains, you need to have in mind exactly what you are after, is it light or style or both? Next to paint, …

Fun Ways to Decorate Children’s Rooms

Children need space to grow, learn, play and develop. The surroundings have a lot to do with the child’s development. It is therefore important for parents to create an environment for their kids where they can learn from their surroundings, but of course within their means. Decorating a child’s room can be tricky as they …