Picking Bathroom Tiles

Picking Bathroom Tiles
Picking Bathroom Tiles

What to consider when picking bathroom tiles
There are a number of things you need to have in mind when you are considering bathroom tiles. They include a theme or a mood you want to create, daily shower steam or children happily splashing water. You may also want to make it the place you escape to after a stressful day at work. Therefore picking the right tiles needs to be well thought out .Colour also plays an important role as it can make or break a room hence the reason why it is important to choose the right tile colour.
Here are a few tips to get you started:

Floor Tiles
When picking tiles for your bathroom floor, you will need to consider safety and durability as the floor will have to with stand wet conditions, frequent cleaning and still manage to look good. You will need to consider the size of your bathroom as well as the type of tiles you want to use. Ceramic tiles are a good fit as are they ideal for damp places and are easy to clean. They and can be repainted when stained or when the need arises.

Shower Tiles
For the shower, you want a tile that inspires you or one that is inviting. Just like the bathroom floor, shower tiles need to be moisture friendly as they will get exposed to water quite a bit. Porcelain tiles would be ideal for this as chips or scratches do not appear easily and they are not very absorbent. Ceramic tiles can also be considered due to their water resistance.

Wall Tiles
When it comes to tiling walls, you will need to keep in mind fittings such as vanities, sinks and light switches. Choose a tile that complements the rest of the bathroom. If you have a large bathroom, you might want to consider the latest trend which is using large tiles. However, if you have a small bathroom installing light coloured tiles will make it feel big as they reflect more light. You could also use the same colour of tiles on the walls as the floor to create the same effect.

Currently, there are many options for tiles in the market, however when considering the material to use you will need to think about wear and tear, maintenance and the shape and size of the tile you pick.

You do not want to change tiles every few years, hence why it is important to choose wisely.